Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cobalt: Aussies In The Park

Here are some highlights from the first part Mini Aussie Party.

We started at the stone labyrinth that people have built in the middle of the off-leash area.

Splash and Guest
Other dogs joined us from time to time
(Splash and guest)

Some of the Aussies played fetch

Cobalt & Two Sisters
Some got to know each other
(Jazz, Bean, and Cobalt)

Some got to know the other owners
(Bean giving Splash's owner kisses)

Three Little Pups Are We
Some went exploring
(Photon, Cobalt, and Jazz)

Some did tricks

Dizzy Dance
The "the camera twisted as I shot the photo" version
of the above picture. I kind of like the effect

Back Lit
Photon's a real ham for the camera sometimes

Come On!
Let's Go!
Cobalt and Photon started hinting
that they wanted to go down to the water

Rocky Beach
Unfortunately, the beach was a little... rocky... right there

We gathered everyone up and headed to the west end of the off-leash area, where there was a proper beach right down to the water. That's in the next post!

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