Monday, March 24, 2008

Dogs: Visiting Tala and Cody Again

Our friends L-Girl and Redsock, who had had us over to visit with Cobalt back on New Year's Day, had us over again for Good Friday. (They work weekends, and we work weekdays, so we can only really visit on statutory holidays.) This time, of course, we brought Denim as well, so she could enjoy their huge yard and their two dogs.

L-Girl's already posted an extensive write-up of the visit, so I'm not going to go into a lot of detail, but here are some photos:

Denim (by JnL)
Denim jumped right into the fun.

You're Not The Black One (by JnL)
Cobalt and Tala are, of course, good friends now. Denim was a little wary.

Closing In (by JnL)

I'm Gonna Getcha! (by JnL)
Tala and Cobalt got right into the chase games.

Playful Pups (by JnL)
All four together.

Puppy Worship (by JnL)
Cody, it turns out, loves little dogs, and spent the whole time following Denim around.

The Chase Is On (by JnL)
Cobalt would retrieve the ball, Tala and Denim would chase Cobalt, and Cody would chase Denim.

Puppy Worship (by JnL)
Denim just couldn't get away!

What Do YOU Want? (by JnL)
She found Cody's attention a little overwhelming at times.

Denim (by JnL)
Denim ended up a little mussed from Cody constantly slurping her head.

Puppy Worship (by JnL)
She tried retreating up onto a snow pile, but it wasn't tall enough to get away.

Nyah! (by JnL)

C'mon! Chase Me! (by JnL)
Meanwhile, Tala was fixated on Cobalt.

Chase (by JnL)

Chase (by JnL)

Eventually, Denim discovered that she could fit between the slats in the fence, and visited the neighbour's yard. Fortunately, her recall is good, and she returned on command -- but moments later, Cobalt went through, then Denim again, and we decided to move indoors where we wouldn't lose track of the dogs.


Amy said...

Love those action shots!

laura k said...

Terrific! I'm glad to see Amy was already here. I will highlight this on wmtc, for folks who don't check comments.

magnolia_2000 said...

speaking of laura at she as big a bitch in person as she is on her blog?

James Redekop said...

Are you as big an ass in person as you are in other people's blogs?

Kim_in_TO said...

Fantastic pics.